Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day:
For the last three years, I have had the privilege of replacing all the flags in the cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day. This year I walked all three of our cemeteries alone. As I walked along, I thanked each one of the soldiers for giving so much to our country. I felt that they would be proud to have a fellow public servant honoring their grave sites. I wondered how many people would come to visit their loved one's resting place and what they would think when they saw that their grave had a new flag; maybe they would think, "Someone remembered--someone cares."

I found a few sites that had firefighter emblems engraved in the stone. I thought, although they did not fight in a war with bullets and bloodshed, they fought for the safety and well-being of the communities they lived in; they bled, cried, and faced the fear of death day in and day out. It's easy to overlook the obvious. I took care to place a flag there too because, "Someone remembered--someone cares."