Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It's easy to get discouraged in the fire service. It could be anything from poor leadership, in adequate training, a grumpy officer, or the endless list of station duties that are left undone. I have one word for you: remember. 

Remember why you signed up to be a firefighter. I signed up to help people. When I forget why I signed up, it is easy to turn negative and get caught up in the little stuff. We exist to serve the community; the community is counting on us to "make it better" when tragedy strikes. Remember.

Remember that we are all leaders and how we respond in every situation matters. Everybody is watching. Remember you have been given a position of influence. Lead by example and remember why we exist.

When Jesus was on the mission to "save the world," by dying on the cross,  he never forgot about us. He didn't let the little stuff get him off track. Jesus remembers, do you?