Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Over the past year, many changes have taken place. I have been consumed with daily challenges that have required more energy than I thought was humanly possible. My wife sometimes says that I think I'm Superman. "I don't need you to be Superman," she says. I'm over ambitious, passionate about achieving results, and relish in a job well done. The problem comes when I take on too many causes. Superman could hear the cries of countless people; however, he could only chose one problem at a time. Did Superman ever take a nap or take a day off?

This year has taught me that no matter how super I think I can be, I cannot forget to take care of myself. Helping professions predispose us to help others at our own expense. It's easy to hear the cries of countless people and forget to rest. It is no secret, firefighters, police, and medics are sleep deprived, juggling numerous responsibilities, and faced with challenges that are life altering day in and day out. You could say that "burn-out" is our kryptonite. It's time for each of us to take a minute, examine our lives, and ensure we are taking care of ourselves. After all, Superman is fake and we have a job to do.
